Who am I?
My name is Russell Nash and I was born in 1969 in the county of Essex in England. I have worked most of my life in Information Technology and gave my life to Jesus at the age of 27. I moved to the USA in 2003 where I now live with my wife, Mandy, and my children.
In 2012 I was encouraged by a preacher friend to dig deeper into the bible and to start preaching. I began to do so regularly from this time and also began to lead bible studies. In 2019, pressures of a busy job slowly began to distract me from my relationship with the Lord and led me to back away from my preaching, bible study and music ministries.
In 2020 I ruptured two discs in my lower back and could not stand due to the pain. I went into hospital in late 2020 for lumbar fusion surgery, after an 8 day stay I came home. The pain had gone, however, over the next few months it became evident that a new problem had arisen, my legs and feet were swollen and the non-stop pain in my legs was almost unbearable. On top of this, the lightest touch on my legs was immensely painful. An MRI revealed that my spinal cord had been damaged during the surgery and scar tissue was present. This damage could not be repaired without the risk of further spinal cord damage.
The extended time off resulted in the loss of my job. If it hadn’t been for the love and caring of our church family and a long-term disability policy, we would have lost our home.
The Lord had me exactly where He wanted me, all the distractions removed and my seeing clearly where I had backed away from my relationship with Him. I am now walking with a cane and have difficulty in standing or walking for more than short periods of time. I also deal with near constant nerve pain in addition to neuropathy, blood flow issues and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in both of my legs as a result of the nerve damage. Despite this, I would not change a thing. My relationship with God is now the number one priority in my life and I can see how He used my health to get my attention and to make it clear to me that He had work for me to do.
I love to preach God’s word, lead bible studies and play the bass in worship of our Lord!
Why this blog?
I have always felt led to share God’s Word via Bible study and preaching. If it is God’s will, I hope to continue to do so through this blog.